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The Annual General Meeting 2022 of Deutsche Wohnen SE took place on Thursday, 2 June 2022 without the physical presence of shareholders and their proxies in the form of a virtual general meeting. Shareholders' voting rights were exercised exclusively by way of postal (electronic) vote or by granting power to the proxies appointed by the Company. Based on the Act on Measures in the Law on Companies, Cooperatives, Associations, Foundations and Condominiums to Combat the Effects of the COVID 19 Pandemic of 27 March 2020, as last amended by Article 15 of the Act of 10 September 2021, the entire meeting was broadcast in sound and vision for registered shareholders on the HV-Portal.
The documents regarding the Annual General Meeting 2022 that were provided for the information of the shareholders, are only available in German and can be found on the German AGM-Website.