Offering Circular
- Offering circular of Deutsche Wohnen AG, dated 20 May 2015, for the public offering in Germany and Luxembourg of 42,166,532 new ordinary bearer shares with no par-value from the capital increase against contribution in cash resolved by the management board on 20 May 2015, approved by the supervisory board on the same day, utilizing the authorized capital resolved by the ordinary meeting of the shareholders on 11 June 2014 with subscription rights for existing shareholders of Deutsche Wohnen AG
- Listing prospectus of Deutsche Wohnen AG, dated 3 September 2014, for the public offering to the minority shareholders of GSW Immobilien AG in the context of the entry into force of the domination agreement between Deutsche Wohnen AG and GSW Immobilien AG and admission of up to 15,000,000 new shares from the conditional capital increase resolved on 11 June 2014. International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) (bearer shares): DE 000A0HN5C6 – German Securities Identification Number (WKN) (bearer shares): A0HN5C – Ticker Symbol (bearer shares): DWNI